


General-Oberst Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord, 1933

I divide my officers into four classes; the clever, the lazy, the industrious, and the stupid. Most often two of these qualities come together. The officers who are clever and industrious are fitted for the highest staff appointments. Those who are stupid and lazy make up around 90% of every army in the world, and they can be used for routine work. The man who is clever and lazy however is for the very highest command; he has the temperament and nerves to deal with all situations. But whoever is stupid and industrious is a menace and must be removed immediately!



To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.



Full afterburner. Idle throttle. Choose one.


Marie Laforêt Marie Colère/Marie Douceur

Maria Ljuva så lyder ditt öknamn på mig
Du tror så klart känna mig bättre än nån
Marie Vrede finns till också var mycket försiktig
Jag har sagt dig hundra tusen gånger i alla toner

Maria Ljuva har mycket mycket tålamod
Ja men en dag måste du se komma in i dansen
Marie Vrede med blixtar i ögonen
Jag vet vem av oss två har minst mod

Maria Ljuva är med dig alltför den snälla
Forsätter du att titta på de andra flickorna
Marie Vrede kommer inte alls att vara med längre
Och kommer att springa på dig med alla klorna ute

Maria Ljuva tycker om att sjunga ballader
Men lita inte alltför mýcket ett gott råd ta dig i akt
Marie Vrede dyrkar dunder och röstsplitter
Så gör ditt val mellan de andra och jag

Maria Ljuva så lyder ditt öknamn på mig
Du tror så klart känna mig bättre än nån
Marie Vrede står nu här framför dig
Maria Ljuva är blott ett minne kvar...

texte en français


Where's my fucking space ship?

It's 2010. That's the sequel of 2001. People should be like, sending me postcards from the moons of pluto or something. Instead I got this phone; true it's nifty that it's got more computing power than the whole Soviet Bloc in 1969. But it's still just a phone. Without a chord. What a piece of junk. So once again, where's my fucking millennium falcon, motherfucker?

Hat tip to Egils for inspiration.



Soleils jaunes, feuilles vertes
Nuages, bleus, ciels, blancs, roses, gris
En attendant le vent



Ants summer swarming
In the winds and in the waves
With a sunny smile


On freedom

"You shall be free indeed when your days are not without a care nor your nights without a want and a grief, but rather when these things girdle your life and yet you rise above them naked and unbound." - Khalil Gibran


Andrew Weil, M.D

I have argued that every human being is born with an innate drive to experience altered states of consciousness periodically -- in particular to learn how to get away from ordinary ego-centered consciousness. I have also explained my intuition that this drive is a most important factor in our evolution, both as individuals and as a species. Nonordinary experiences are vital to us because they are expressions of our unconscious minds, and the integration of conscious and unconscious experience is the key to life, health, and spiritual development, and fullest use of our nervous systems.



Gelb als die sonne
ein schmetterling strahlt
am grenze stadts und lands


(俳句090417) Insects

Beetle, beetle, fly
Wasp ant beetle fly, beetle,
No bees a-buzzin'.



Soon spring,
Already I'm yearning for autumn,
And after that, summer.



Rund Lundsee hat ich
im schmeltzschneenachtnebel schleichen.
Alles war ruhe.


Black ice

White is EVIL. Black ice is GOOD.



Alone we wander
Sparks and stars in the ether
I'm here forever


Roads To Nowhere: Where are my stars?

My stars are gone!
Même Luna n'est qu'un mince croissant éblouissant
Lying in the middle of a triangular champ
Smoking a fag beneath Orion
After runing on the rail tracks
In a granite canyon
Past one, past two, past three stations
Spöktåget kan ta mig nu
I turn my back on the transmission towers
Månskuggor kämpar emot väghalkan
Ledsagar mina steg på grusstigen

The Great Polar Bear is hiding beyond the trees
Gods, what have I done?
Where have you been?
But I carry on, the rip is grinding down the view
Will Wild, White Horses take me away?
Try to dig yourself out of an icy marsh
With, for help, only your own shadow to follow.


Tête vide

1918. 1933. Lebensraum 101. Cerebral antiseptic. 1984. 1946 Jahr Null. Nineleventh days of the elevenineth month. The architecture has been defeated. The will to assimilinihilate tactics and techniques has triumphed. Durchmenschdenken ist der neue weltverbeßerwißeranschauung.



A bee dancing
A butterfly stinging
In a shadow box



Om man betraktade Wotrìc noga såg man hans anletsdrag hade rena skönhet som en grakisk statys, fast enligt de germanska barbarernas Ìdeal.

Detta förstärktes ytterligare av hudens vithet, densamma som blåådrad marmor.

Dock först, såg man de utflisade spåren i denna mask. Ärren från de dödligas järn, rynkor från de oslaliga andarna. Två gånger tio år till hans ålder dem la.

Och liksom i en mask gnistrade hans ögonblick blåa som en bleck vintermorgon, ur askgrå ögonhållor.

Denna blick, som bränhet glöd i en nästan utsläckt eld.



Body check. Don't let me down.
Stadtkind. Du gibst mir die Kraft.
Time is a liquid in my hands.



solen strålar här
eclipsed by an absence
j'en fait un poème


Space - Magic Fly 1977 - Best Audio - Full EQ



le soleil zénithe
à minuit trois quart de lune
ni noble mais ni gris



Sodden spring mud
Bird nests kept dry under pine needles
All are a-twitting about springshock snow


window fly

Eastern Cyclone

Frostad blötsnö på skogsgrenar
Gnistrar av stjärnor aom glimtar genom molngluggen
Och månen är med också,
Skuggar en.


Chuang Tzu

"The purpose of a fish trap is to catch fish, and when the fish are caught, the trap is forgotten. The purpose of a rabbit snare is to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caught, the snare is forgotten. The purpose of words is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to."



a blizzard of snowflakes
scorching the skin of the heart
der schlamm hält uns auf



the fog of war lifts
the sword of the sun skewers
the frost of the dead



le soleil passe
a summer is as a day
a short deep night


L'Homme dans la Lune


Terrorisme En Vogue (Vogue Italia septembre 2004)

(Vogue Italia septembre 2004)



Regndroppar glider
Skriver på de gröna löven
Budet från himmlen


Mind of State

How many of the ways (disciplines, exercises, practices) recommended as helpful, or even necessary, for the attainment of Satori are not in fact consequences of that state erroneously suggested as means?
-Ten Fingers Pointing Toward the Moon by Wei Wu Wei



väder är vacker
molnvågor svallar och sjönk
stillheten är snabb



Howling chrome,
Supersonic silver,
The future is past.



Gråa moln seglar
Ovan den nya grönskan
Glädjen är vilsen


Le Parkour Russky.


Death Piglet


Rita Mae Brown

I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.


Luke Chuey


David Hilbert

Wir müssen wissen. Wir werden wissen.


The Kings And The Ones

Two and two they came
Kings carrying gold
Fighting for fame
This story is the same old
A lone hero killed'em cold


Tomorrow In The Papers



Dead trees, unreborn
Aimless trains, only rolling



the stars are still
and the sun dumb
no dusk today
yesterday no dawn
and tomorrow


Black Steel


Melt (俳句070311)

ice rotten wood murky
pool smell stark stagnant bright
breath blind air raw sun


Col. John R. Boyd, USAF

"Wars are fought with people, ideas, and hardware. In that order!"


Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner


Lune Carmine


Sour Times



Slask och Slusk
verkade vinna vintern
men Snö återkom snällt



Blue for the day
Brown for the night
Green for the books and their leaves
Crimson for the raving rants
White for the virgin words
Grey for brain gruel



un volcan flambant
l'âme forgée froide par gouttes
de lames de brume



lights, sodium orange
haze, concrete slush grey
night, starless city sky


Cold Listening (俳句070128)

smell the scents of ice
snow angels hold you numb
smile at the half-moon


Roads To Nowhere: Night Path

Yes I'm taking to the roads,
To the moon and to the woods,
To the snow and to the stars,
Into the dark white of that black light,
And all the white wolves and black panthers o'the whole world
Can howl at me all night long for all they're worth



vit snö på grenar
då solgula träd, nu issvart natt
månen är nära



höst och regn kom sen
blad gulnar, droppar faller
brandgul är segern



himmlen är molnblå
löven gula och gröna
min ande luftlätt



gatulampor slockna
solen i slussen
av daggen vakna


Roads to Nowhere: Thrush Nest

Two thrushes fly
To their ditchside nest
One flees, the other frozes,
Fledgelings still as statues.
Only the worms in its beak
Are slithering, squirming and writhing.

Roads to Nowhere: Eleven Deers

Eleven deers
Grazing in a glade
I loom leeward
But my stalkins's too fast
And my steps too loud
No wild wolf patience here
For I hear the call of the road



the heaven's wholly blue
the clouds are pink
the day just flew
now in my bath i'll sink


Sun Day

I was walking home this morning by sunrise. Perfect dawn.